Useful Links
Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Canberra |
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Consulate General of the Republic of Poland :: www.sydney.msz.gov.pl/en |
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“Office for War Veterans and Victims of Oppression” website: (Urzad do Spraw Kombatantow i Osob Represjonowanych) :: http://www.udskior.gov.pl/ |
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The Polish Ex-Combatants Association Great Britain Trust Fund :: http://www.spk-wb.com |
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The Poles on the Front Lines of World War II :: https://ww2.pl/en/ |
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Polish Ex-Servicemen Association Sub-Branch No 1 Sydney |
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ZHP Australia |
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Puls Polonii |
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Bumerang Polski :: http://www.bumerangmedia.com/ |
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Polish Community Council of Australia Inc. :: www.polishcouncil.org.au |
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Polish Historical Institute in Australia :: http://www.plcouncilact.org.au/phia.html |
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Polish Association of Queensland :: www.polonia.org.au |
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Australian International Research Institute :: www.researchinstitute.org.au |
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The Polish Community living in Wellington, New Zealand :: www.polishcommunity.org.nz |
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Our Lady of Victories Parish, Bowen Hills :: http://www.bowenhillsparish.org/ |
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Polish School, Brisbane :: www.brisbanepolishschool.org.au |
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OBERTAS Polish Folkloric Ensemble (Brisbane) :: www.obertas.org.au |
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Radio 4EB, Kangaroo Point :: http://www.4eb.org.au/ondemand |
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Federation of Polish Organisations in SA Inc :: http://www.polishfederation.org.au/ |
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Polish Resistance in WW II :: www.polishresistance-ak.org |
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Canberra White Eagle Polish Club :: www.whiteeagleclub.com.au |
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OZPOL 99 Turbot Street Brisbane 4000 :: www.ozpol.com.au |
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Mt Kosciuszko Inc :: www.mtkosciuszko.org.au |
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Polish Educational Society in NSW Inc |
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Polish Folklore in Adelaide |
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Polish Hill River Church Museum - Sevenhill, Clare Valley, SA 5453 |
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Panorama - Przeglad Australijski |
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TVP Polonia |
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SBS Radio Polish |
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Muzeum Powstania Warszawskiego |
Podajemy linki do piosenek Slawka Kazana jakie znajduja sie na YouTube i zapraszamy do obejrzenia fragmentu reportazu filmowego z Akademii w Polonii w Milton, zorganizowanej w dniu 12 listopada 2023 roku, na ktorej Slawek Kazan zaprezentowal swoje nowe piosenki. |
Podajemy link do filmiku nagranego podczas ogolnokrajowego programu telewizyjnego Sunrise (Chanel 7) w dniu 27 pazdziernika 2020 roku.
Podajemy link do dwoch piosenek, ktorych autorem jest Slawek Kazan.
Modlitwa Armii Krajowej (“O Panie ktorys jest na niebie, wyciagnij sprawiedliwa dlon”).https://www.facebook.com/Wspolnota.Polska/videos/287892135219971/UzpfSTEwMDAwMDUyNzA3MjY1NToyNDk1Njk5Mzc3MTI0Mjc0/
Nowa piosenka Slawka Kazana z okazji 100-lecia Niepodleglosci Polski.
Beginnings of Polish Ex-Servicemen's Association in Brisbane
Lord Mayor of Redland City Karen Williams supports PolArt2018https://www.facebook.com/polartaus/videos/2109585899294196/UzpfSTE0MjE2NTgwNzQ3NzY4NDM6Vks6MjEwOTU4NTg5OTI5NDE5Ng/
Porady Prawne dla Seniorow |
Wills and Enduring Powers of Attorney: avoiding complications (English) |
Walking with your eyes open: seeking independent advice (English)
:: read more |
Copyright © 2024 - Polish Ex-Serviceman's Association Branch Australia Inc |